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How Much Money Do You Make?

Guidestar Compensation Report

As a nonprofit leader you may face an ongoing question:  what is fair compensation for the staff?You'd like to pay them at least what they'd get at a similar organization. But finding salary rates for other nonprofits can be difficult.That's where the Guidestar Nonprofit Compensation Report comes in.Established fourteen years ago, the report is a comprehensive overview of nonprofit salaries. Based on IRS data, the report provides salary information broken down by:

  • Top organizational positions (executive director, development director, programs director, HR director, IT director, etc.)

  • Organization size by revenue ($250k or less, $250K - $500K, etc.)

  • Organization type (education, environmental, civic, etc.)

  • Geographical area (state and metropolitan area)

  • Gender

You can view a sample report here. Here's the kicker.  For most small nonprofits, the $374 starting price is steep. That said, if you could use some accurate salary guidance then the investment may be worth it.